茹重庆教授学术报告:a phenomenological expression for self-rippling energy of graphene monolayers

栏目:学术活动  发布时间:2018-03-08

报告题目:aphenomenological expression for self-rippling energy of graphene monolayers
报 告 人:茹重庆教授,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学机械系
报告简介:In this presentation, a deflection-based phenomenological model isproposed to study the role of self-rippling energy in mechanical behavior ofgraphene monolayers. The model contains two coefficients which can be uniquelydetermined by experimental data on the wavelength and amplitude of observedspecific ripple mode. The proposed model is challenged by comparing itspredictions with known data available in the recent literature. In particular,the predicted minimum tensile strain to eliminate self rippling is shown to bein remarkable agreement with known data, and the predicted substrate effect isconsistent with known results. In addition, the model is employed to study the self-ripplingenergy-driven buckling and post-buckling of a short graphene ribbon.
