李大川博士学术报告:Automatic steering control and Precision Docking System for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Operat

栏目:学术活动  发布时间:2017-12-15

报告题目:Automatic steering control and Precision Docking System for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Operations




摘要: The autonomous operation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) involves complex curving tracks, narrow lane/docking stations, and non-linear dynamics of articulated vehicles, posing significant challenges to automatic steering and docking system design. A robust and high-precision steering controller is required to ensure lane-keeping and docking performance. In this presentation, two controllers are designed to address the requirements: an optimal preview steering controller is designed based driver's behavior model; and  the other controller is designed based on frequency-shaping and optimal look-ahead control. A look-down magnetic reference system is developed to provide high-precision lane deviation and yaw information. Implementation and demonstration on a 18.3-m articulated vehicle demonstrates the system can achieve high-precision lane keeping and docking.  

个人简介:李大川,美国加州伯克利大学(University of California, Berkeley)博士后研究员。2015年于清华大学自动化系获博士学位。曾获国家奖学金、山东大学校长奖学金。先后参与大型客机国家科技重大专项4项,中航工业产学研专项3项,美国加州交通部专项课题2项,在国际学术期刊和会议发表论文十余篇,拥有国家发明专利多项。主要研究方向为航空电子系统设计与仿真,自主无人机系统设计,无人机系统自主运动规划、导航与控制,车辆自动驾驶/辅助驾驶系统控制器设计,智能交通系统等。
